EVERYONE who wants to get leaner should read this article. Yes, I know
it says ",
How do going to slimmed down" but sometimes we veterans forget what
we once knew or we don't practice what we now know. If you're a
beginner, this will be an introduction. If you're experienced, let this
be a reminder.
There are so many opinions about how to lose body fat that many people end up completely confused and they don't do ANYTHING!
They've read about 27 ways to diet, 34 ways to do cardio, 101 ways to
lift weights and 79 supplements to take. But they still don't have a
clue how to start.
You stuff your brain with so much information it feels like it's going
to explode, but then you never do anything about it. You're like a deer
stuck in headlights. Sound familiar?
I call this the "paralysis by analysis" syndrome.
The most important thing you can do is take action. Just begin the
journey and figure it out as you go. Better still; get a coach or
trainer right from the start.
Actually, losing fat is not that complicated. You don't need a PhD in
exercise physiology to figure out that any exercise is better than no
exercise. You don't have to be a genius in nutritional biochemistry to
figure out that an apple is better than a pop tart. Getting lean is
simple: Exercise. Eat healthier foods. Eat smaller portions. Isn't this
stuff just common sense? Didn't your mother tell you this?
So what's stopping you? What makes you freeze up?
If you're like most people, FEAR is stopping you. You're so afraid of
doing something wrong, you choose to do nothing rather than make a
mistake or look foolish.
What you must understand is that people who accomplish much and people
who accomplish little BOTH have fears. The difference between the two is
that the latter feels the fear and lets it immobilize them. The former
feels the fear and does it anyway.
Begin the process. You can always fine-tune your program as you go.
Naturally, it's better to aim and then fire, but its better to fire and
then adjust your aim later than not to fire at all. You can't win a
battle by hiding in the trenches.
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Ok, so you've decided to forge ahead in spite of your fear and start
working out. Congratulations. Now what? How do you choose between
Stairmaster, Tae Bo, Lifecycle, Yoga, Kickboxing, Elliptical machine,
jogging, swimming, etc.?
Any exercise is better than no exercise so stop over-analyzing: just pick something and start. Just do it.
If you can't make up your mind, then here's the simplest, easiest, most
guaranteed way for any beginner to successfully start a fat loss
Here's why:
It requires no equipment
It requires no knowledge of exercise technique
It can be done by almost everyone, regardless of experience
It can be done almost anywhere
It's safe
For all these reasons, walking is the perfect way to begin. However, the
better your condition becomes, the more you'll need to advance to
higher levels of exercise intensity to reach higher levels of fitness.
I'm not saying you should abandon walking, but if you decide to keep
walking, a casual stroll will no longer do. For an experienced
exerciser, I would consider walking a method of locomotion more than a
serious workout.
There's a big difference between walking for health vs walking for fat
loss. Even a 10 or 15-minute casual walk has health benefits. But if you
want to turn walking into an effective, fat-melting workout, you'll
need to push yourself for 30 minutes or more several days per week.
Walking briskly uphill (or on an inclined treadmill) is an excellent
fat-burning workout for anyone.
Read any book about success and it will tell you "pay attention to
detail." Sounds like good advice - unless you haven't mastered the
fundamentals yet. In that case, it's the worst advice you could follow.
Every day people send me questions like these:
"Should I use a fast acting protein powder like whey or would casein
be better? What if I mix both and also add a little bit of Soy? If I use
all of them, what ratio of the three would be ideal and when should I
take them?"
"I want to do the ephedrine-caffeine stack and it says to take 20 mg of
ephedrine with 200 milligrams of caffeine. The ephedrine comes in 25
milligram tablets, so should I chip a little bit off the tablet to get
the right ratio?"
Do you see the problem here?
These are legitimate questions, but they're completely moot if you're
eating doughnuts and sitting on the couch all day long. Fix your diet
and get your butt moving first, then worry about the little things.
Emerson said, "The height of the pinnacle is determined by the breadth
of the base." The heights you reach will depend entirely on how broad a
foundation you build. Great coaches such as Vince Lombardi and John
Wooden credited most of their success to drilling their players on
Forget about ALL the minutia until you have the fundamentals down cold!
Forget about supplement dosages Forget about macronutrient cycling
Forget about tempo manipulation Forget about glycemic indexes Forget
about the latest Bulgarian or Russian periodization program
Master the fundamentals first!
The fundamentals of fat loss include: (1) Do your cardio, (2) Lift
weights, (3) Burn more calories than you consume (4) Eat 5-6 small,
frequent meals and never skip meals, (5) Keep your fat intake low, but
include small amounts of good fats, (6) Eat natural foods; avoid
processed & refined foods, (7) eat more complex carbs, fruits &
vegetables, (8) eat lean proteins with each meal, (9) Think positive:
visualize yourself as you would like to be.
If you're not doing all these things, and you're looking for the perfect
supplement stack or the optimum periodization plan, I'm afraid you're
barking up the wrong tree.
I don't want you to think that details don't matter - they do. The "Law
of Accumulation" states that every success is a matter of hundreds or
even thousands of tiny efforts that often go unnoticed or unappreciated.
Everything counts. Everything either helps or hurts. Nothing is
The problem is when you get bogged down in minutia before you've even
learned the basics. Minor details produce minor results. Major
fundamentals produce major results.
Don't major in minor things. Lay your foundation first, then move on to
the finer points. And remember, as Jim Rohn says, always be suspicious
of someone who says they've found a new fundamental.
The most important dietary factor in fat loss is not how many grams of
carbohydrate, protein or fat you eat, the most important factor for fat
loss is calories. Eat more than you burn each day and you will store
fat. Eat less than you burn each day and you will lose fat.It's just
that simple.
Where the calories come from is important too, but unless you understand the calorie concept, nothing else matters.
I'm appalled at how many people claim to sincerely want to lose body fat
who admit they haven't a clue how many calories they eat.
Get serious! If you don't have the faintest idea how much you're eating, how can you expect to make any progress?
Did it ever occur to you that your ONLY problem might be overeating!
Do you realize that too much of anything gets stored as fat?
That's right - even if you're eating nothing but "natural and healthy"
foods, if you eat too many of them, you're still going to get fat.
Portion control, my friend, portion control!
On the other hand, maybe you're under-eating and slowing down your metabolism. There's a fine line.
Do you know what is the biggest mistake made by beginners?
They quit!
In January and February attendance in almost every gym shoots up.
Mostly from the New Year's Resolutions. But most of these new gym
members will drop off after 6-8 weeks.
What's especially sad is that most people quit right when they're on the verge of making substantial progress.
Remember: You're never a failure as long as you're working on the
progressive realization of a worthy goal. But the second you quit, then
it's official - you're a failure.
Quitting should not even be an option because...
Don't let these four words slip by you just because it's an oft-repeated
cliché. This is an important mindset! You have to stop thinking of
getting in shape for a New Year's resolution, vacation or wedding (or a
contest, you bodybuilders). You must start thinking about getting
healthy and in shape FOR LIFE.
When you're just starting out, firmly resolve that quitting is not even
an option. Don't approach this endeavor with an "I'll try" attitude. If
you accept quitting as a possibility, you might as well not even start;
just grab that remote control, a bag of chips and get back on the couch
where you were before.
Also, understand that results may come slowly in the beginning if you're
not the genetically-gifted type. This process requires great patience
and persistence for most people.
Most beginners never allow themselves the time it takes to get any
momentum going. They expect too much too soon, get discouraged and quit.
It takes a big push to get started. It's like getting a rocket off the
ground - it uses most of its fuel just launching off the pad, but once
it's in the air and the inertia has been overcome, it can keep going
with very little energy expenditure. Don't quit just because it's
difficult to "launch!"
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Life is too just too short to learn everything there is to know on your
own. Don't waste time climbing the ladder only to find it's leaning
against the wrong wall! Learn from the experts. Get a trainer, personal
coach, or mentor to help you start right - right from the start.
I admit I'm showing my bias by saying everyone should join a gym (I'm in
the health club business), but I sincerely believe nothing beats
working out in a high quality health club. In a well-equipped gym, the
possibilities are endless, the atmosphere is motivational and people are
there to help you.
More often than not, however, beginners start at home. That being the
case, I admit that you don't need a gym to get started. You also don't
need any of that garbage advertised on late night TV. The only piece of
equipment you need has existed for over 100 years - that's right, the
humble DUMBBELL!
Remember - don't overcomplicate this - think basics, basics, basics (and dumbbells are as basic as it gets.)
Dumbbells are the single most versatile piece of equipment in existence.
You can perform hundreds, even thousands of exercises with dumbbells.
Ladies, a set of 3 to 20 pounds will be more than sufficient. Guys, a
set from 10 to 40 pounds should do the trick (for now). I've also heard
wonderful things about Powerblock dumbbells for space-saving, although I
don't have first hand experience to cite.
If you also get yourself a bench and clear out a little corner in your favorite room, then you're ready to roll!
Here it is - The beginner's all-dumbbell routine:
1. Dumbbell bench press (chest)
2. Dumbbell side lateral raise (shoulders)
3. One arm dumbbell row (upper back)
4. Dumbbell extension behind head (triceps)
5. Dumbbell Bicep curl (biceps)
6. Dumbbell Lunges (thighs)
7. Dumbbell One leg calf raise (calves)
8. Dumbbell leg curl (hamstrings)
9. Crunches (abs)
There you have it. Simple and effective. At home or in a gym.
If you're just starting, do this routine for 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps per
exercise, except calves and abs which you can go up to 20+ reps. Rest 1
minute between sets. You'll train your whole body in each workout, 3
three days per week, non-consecutive days.
After 3 - 6 months, you'll probably need to add exercises and move up to
a split routine. (So I guess I have to do another article, called 8
tips for intermediates: How to keep going).
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It's is a common misconception that you should start with aerobic
workouts and lose the fat first before adding weight training.
Unfortunately, the best you can hope for from diet and aerobics alone is
to become a "skinny fat person." You may lose weight, but you'll have a
poor muscle to fat ratio and a "soft" appearance.
Obviously, weight training is the key to developing strength and muscle.
What few people realize is that weight training also increases fat
loss, although it occurs indirectly.
Weight training is anaerobic and burns carbohydrates (sugar). Cardio is
aerobic and therefore burns fat. So it seems logical to focus on aerobic
training for fat loss.
However, something interesting happens "beneath the surface" when you
lift weights. Weight training increases your lean body mass - aerobic
training does not.
Low calorie dieting and aerobic training without weight lifting can make
you lose lean body mass. If you lose lean body mass, your metabolism
slows down, and this makes it harder to lose fat.
If you increase your lean body mass, you increase your metabolic rate
and this makes it easier to lose fat. With a faster metabolism, you'll
burn more fat all day long - even while you're sleeping!
If you have limited time, and your main priority is fat loss, then do a
very brief weight training program and spend the majority of your time
concentrating on cardio. But never neglect the weights completely -
always do both, and if possible, devote equal attention to each.
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